NBA Fastbreak

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Manufacturer System Year Model Produced
Bally WPC-95 1997 50053 4,414

NBA Fastbreak Playing Tips and Rule Sheet

NBA Fastbreak Shop Guide

1 WPC Specific Issues

See WPC Specific Issues

2 Game-Specific Issues

Click on the links to learn about the more complex problems that NBA Fastbreak faces. Return to Williams WPC page.

2.1 Sound amplifier blows up

If you remove or put the backpanel back on while the game is turned on your sound may stop working. F501 and/or F502 on the sound board might blow. If you are unlucky one or both of your TDA2030A amplifiers at location U5 and U6 might also be blown or no longer working.
This is because the lugs of the flipper coil mounted at the back of the panel are able to touch the heat sinks of the sound amplifiers. If you check you might already see scratches on top of them were the panel was previously removed. They don't like to come in contact with the 70V flipper coil voltage so always turn the game off when removing the panel. If you need to replace a TDA don't go cheap. Replace both and the TLN084 op-amps at location U1 and U2. Use a machine pin socket. The 78L05 and 79L05 regulators are usually ok but if in doubt replace them too. They cost only pennies. If you are really unlucky the AD1851N at location U3 goes also bad but that's usually not the case.

2.2 Game Linking

When linking two NBA Fastbreak games, The A/V board needs chips at U22 and U24, new EPROMs at G11 (on the MPU) and S2 (on the sound board) as well as a link cable between the two games installed on the A/V board at J607. Originally, these parts were sold in a kit, which also included a large marquee topper.

The connector cable uses a 10-pin 0.1" housing and 0.1" pins. The pinouts for the A/V board as found in the WPC-95 Schematics Manual:

  • J607-1 - Ground
  • J607-2 - TX output
  • J607-3 - RX input
  • J607-4 - CTS
  • J607-5 - RTS
  • J607-6 - DTR
  • J607-7 - DSR
  • J607-8 - Key (no connection)
  • J607-9 - RI
  • J607-10 - DCD

The TX and RX lines need to be crossed between each end of the cable. For example, pin 2 on one side goes to pin 3 on the other.