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(site organization suggestion)
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****TEST**** Yep, but it posts everywhere from what I can tell. jp
Checking to see what happens when I "talk" to you.
== Is this how it works? ==
Anyway, wrt to HOWOTO formatting, I have no specific ideas about this.  I think we are constrained by the pinwiki formatting.  If you mean the actual seperation, I think there needs to be a 'general' section (how to test coils, transistors) and then a platform specfic howto.  What we need to stay clear from is 'reinventing the wheel', where someone writes an article but doesn't notice someone else has already started a similar one.  To avoid this, I'd suggest using the search box first to see if an article exists already.
Chris:  Hey, I've been waiting on the Forums to come back up to bring this up, but saw you mentioned site organization as well.  I think it's time we get some kind of plan together before we get so many pages that it becomes too difficult to re-organize. 
I put together sort of an outline that describes the way I suggest we do it.  I'd be happy to start the process, but it would be pretty involved, so I'd hate to start it and then have everyone say they hate it so I thought it would be best to get some others involved in it as well.  Without the forums though, it's kinda hard to do that, so I guess this is the best we have.
I put this together pretty quickly, so if there are any questions, or any issues, just let me know
Quick Legend:
* = wiki page
-- = information stored on a page
> = link to another page
>Bally (link to Bally specific page with info about Bally and further links to Bally Systems)
>EM (link to Bally EM games page, list of games, further links to EM specific repair info)
>Early Solid State (link to Bally SS games page, list of games, further links to pages specific to this system: Bally/Stern Tech Info, Bally/Stern Repair Info, etc)
>6803 (link to 6803 games page with game list and further links to 6803 Tech Info and Repair page)
>System 11 (link to Bally system 11 games page.....
>WPC (link to Bally WPC games page....
>Pinball 2000 (link to Bally P2k...
>Stern (link to Stern specific page with info about Stern and further links to Stern Systems)
>EM (link to Stern EM games page, list of games, further links to EM specific repair info)
>Early Solid State (link to early Stern Solid State games list, further links to Bally/Stern repair and tech info)
--Info about the Bally Company
>EM (link to Bally EM games page, list of games, further links to EM specific repair info)
>Early Solid State (link to Bally SS games page, list of games, further links to pages specific to this system: Bally/Stern Tech Info, Bally/Stern Repair Info, etc)
>6803 (link to 6803 games page with game list and further links to 6803 Tech Info and Repair page)
>System 11 (link to Bally system 11 games page.....
>WPC (link to Bally WPC games page....
>Pinball 2000 (link to Bally P2k...
--Game list (game names can be links to game specific pages)
--System information such as various boards and revisions and their usages
>Bally/Stern Early SS Tech Info
>Bally/Stern Early SS Repair Info
--information about logic used on the boards, how the solenoid driver board works etc
--alternatively, this page could have links to tech descriptions of each of the individual boards for tech info
--information about how to test and repair Bally/Stern early solid state specific issues
> How to test a coil
> How to test a transistor
> How to...

Revision as of 20:01, 28 June 2011