Data East/Sega

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Note: This page is a work in progress. Please help get it to a completed state by adding any useful information to it.

1 Introduction

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File:De dmd boardset.jpg
Data East Standard DMD Board Set

2 Games

For an extensive list of games produced by Data East and Sega, see the List of Data East Games.

The following table lists regular production games based on their circuit board (PCB) and system generations.

Game List and Board Version
Game (Manufacture Date) CPU Power Supply PPB Display Sound Flipper Notes
Laser War (3/87) 520-5003-01
or 520-5003-02
520-5000-00 520-5015-00 No PCB
3 lug coil and EOS switch
Displays: Two 7 digit A/N,
two 7 digit numeric, one 4 digit numeric
Secret Service (2/88) 520-5003-02 520-5000-00 520-5015-00 No PCB
3 lug coil and EOS switch
Four 7 digit A/N displays
Torpedo Alley (8/88) 520-5003-02 520-5000-00 520-5021-00 No PCB
3 lug coil and EOS switch
Time Machine (11/88) 520-5003-02 520-5000-00 520-5021-00 No PCB
3 lug coil and EOS switch
Playboy 35th
Anniversary (5/89)
520-5003-02 520-5000-00 520-5021-00
ABC Monday Night
Football (9/89)
520-5003-02 520-5000-00 520-5021-00
Robocop (01/90) 520-5003-02 520-5000-00 520-5021-00
Phantom of the Opera (4/90) 520-5003-02 520-5000-00 520-5021-00
Back to the Future (6/90) 520-5003-03 520-5000-00 520-5021-00
The Simpsons (10/90) 520-5003-03 520-5000-00 520-5021-02 2x 16 digit A/N
520-5002-03-12 520-5033-00
Checkpoint (2/91) 520-5003-03 520-5047-00 520-5021-00 128x16 DMD
Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles (6/91)
520-5003-03 520-5047-00 520-5021-00 128x16 DMD
Batman (8/91) 520-5003-03 520-5047-00 520-5021-00 128x16 DMD
Star Trek (9/91) 520-5003-03 520-5047-00 520-5021-00 128x16 DMD
Hook (5/92) 520-5003-03 520-5047-00 520-5021-00 128x16 DMD
Lethal Weapon 3 (8/92) 520-5003-03 520-5047-01 520-5021-00 128x32 DMD
Star Wars (12/92) 520-5003-03 520-5047-01 520-5021-00 128x32 DMD
Rocky & Bullwinkle (2/93) 520-5003-03 520-5047-01 520-5021-00 128x32 DMD
Jurassic Park (6/93) 520-5003-03* 520-5047-02 520-5021-05 128x32 DMD
520-5050-02 520-5033-02 Motor Control board mounted under playfield
Last Action Hero (10/93) 520-5003-03* 520-5047-02 128x32 DMD
Tales from the Crypt (12/93) 520-5003-03* 520-5047-02 128x32 DMD
The Who's Tommy (1/94) 520-5003-03* 520-5047-02 128x32 DMD
WWF Royal Rumble (5/94) 520-5003-03* 520-5047-02 128x32 DMD
Guns N' Roses (7/94) 520-5003-03* 520-5047-02 128x32 DMD
Maverick (10/94) 520-5003-03* 520-5047-03 192x64 DMD
Mary Shelly's
Frankenstein (1/95)
520-5003-03* 520-5047-03 192x64 DMD
Baywatch (2/95) 520-5003-03* 520-5047-03 192x64 DMD
Batman Forever (7/95) 520-5003-03* 520-5047-03 192x64 DMD

* Extra pins at CN3 for printer. See the CPU section for more information.

3 Technical Info

Data East used several different board generations. It is important to be able to identify the different versions when performing diagnosis and testing.

3.1 CPU

  • 520-5003-01
  • 520-5003-02
  • 520-5003-03

3.2 Power Supply

  • 520-5000-00
  • 520-5047-00
  • 520-5047-01
  • 520-5047-02
  • 520-5047-03

3.3 Display Board

  • 520-500x-00 Master Display
Slave Boards
  • 520-5014-01
  • 520-5030-00
  • 520-5042-00

Used for the 128x16 line dot matrix displays on games Checkpoint through Hook.

  • 520-5052-00

Used for the "standard" sized 128x32 line dot matrix displays on games Lethal Weapon 3 through Guns N' Roses.

  • 520-5075-00

Used on the large 192x64 dot matrix displays on games Maverick through Batman Forever.

3.4 Sound Board

  • 520-5002-0x series
    • 520-5002-00
    • 520-5002-02
    • 520-5002-03
  • 520-5050-0x series
    • 520-5050-01
    • 520-5050-02
    • 520-5050-00
    • 520-5050-03
  • 520-5077-00

This board is similar to the 520-5050-0x series. It was redesigned to allow up to four 27040 EPROMs for voices and sound effects. It has a different pre-amplifier design than the 5050 series, but uses the same MB3730A power amplifiers.

  • 520-5126-02

This board is very similar to the 520-5077-00 design. The power amplifier section was redesigned. It is reported that it is interchangeable with the 520-5077-00.

3.5 Playfield Power Board

  • 50v coil board
  • 520-5015-00
  • 520-5021-00
  • 520-5021-05

3.6 Flipper Board

  • 520-5033-0x series
    • 520-5033-00
    • 520-5033-03
  • 520-5070-00
  • 520-5076-00
  • 520-5080-00

4 Problems and Fixes

4.1 Fuse Clips

Data East used fuse clips on circuit boards as opposed to fuse holders. These clips are prone to cracking and causing intermittent connections. These clips cannot be repaired and should be replaced when cracked. The clips do have a correct orientation, when installing them make sure the "tabs" on the portion that grasps the fuse is oriented outwards.

Fuse clips are located on the Power supply, Playfield Power Board, and Solid State Flipper Board.

4.2 Power Driver Issues

Quickly test the TIP102/TIP122 transistors (Q8-Q13, Q23-Q30, Q39-Q46, Q72-Q79) on the MPU:

  • Turn the game OFF
  • Set your DMM to Ohms/Continuity buzz
  • Attach the black lead to one of the metal grounding straps (crocodile clips are helpful here), there should be one in the backbox you can use
  • Touch the red lead to the metal tabs of the TIP122/TIP102's
  • Any that read 0 Ohms (ie are shorted) are bad and will need replacing.

You may also need to replace the predriver transistor (2n4401) that the bad transistor is connected to. It is also wise to check the wiring and the coil before powering back on, otherwise you may blow the transistor you just replaced.

See How to test a coil

4.3 PPB Board Issues

Common issues include:

  • Burnt GI connector
  • Dead TIP36C

4.4 MPU Issues

Data East CPU Board LED Flash Sequence

Much like the Williams System 11 CPU, the Data East CPU performs a basic diagnostics procedure and produces a series of LED flashes to indicate potential boot issues. The CPU automatically tests the PIAs, RAM and EPROMs at each boot.

With all tests passed, the LEDs illuminate in the following sequence at power-on:

  • The PIA and +5V LEDs illuminate immediately
  • Approximately 1/2-second later the PIA led is turned off and the Blanking LED illuminates
  • +5V and Blanking LEDs are illuminated until the game is turned off.
  • If a failure is detected on major board components, the PIA LED will display a flash code:
PIA LED Flash Sequence
PIA LED Suspect Component Location
Stays On One of the 6821 PIAs various
Flashes 1 Time 6064 RAM D5
Flashes 2 Times EPROM B5
Flashes 3 Times EPROM C5

4.5 Power Supply Issues

4.5.1 Low +5v

If you have a low +5v, you'll experience game resets, especially when pressing the flippers during multiball. A 'shotgun' repair would be to replace the bridge rectifier (DB1, CM3501), C2 (100uf 25v), C1 (1000uf 25v) and TR5 (2N6057) on the power supply board.

4.5.2 PS 520-5047-01 - High Voltage Missing at the DMD display No +68v is found at the DMD display

Warning Be extremely careful not to touch anything when working on live High Voltage (HV) circuits.

Assuming it's not the transfomer, connectors or fuses then you should be able to measure a +DC High Voltage (HV) at the banded side of D5 with respect to GND.

If no voltage there, suspect fuses and then test D5 on the diode setting and replace D5 with a 1n4004 diode. Also test, and replace D7 with a 1n4004 diode at the same time for good measure as it's a penny part and probably stressed. Same procedure although it rectifies the a -DC HV.

Measurements are with respect to ground. You should now have a HV +DC reading at the banded side of D5. Test for +68v output. You should also have a HV -DC reading at the non-banded side of D7. Test for -100v and -98v DC output.

Do not be concerned if measured voltages are not exact without a DMD connected, they will read lower under load. It can also be that the DMD display itself is faulty and taking down the PSU.

Capacitors C10 / C11 are important, if you can't test then replace them. Especially if it looks to bulge at ends, old capacitors dry out and then fail. C10 and C11 are both 100uF @ 200v. You should be able to use 150uF at a higher voltage for these, so 150uF @250v is fine.

Observe the polarity of the capacitors you remove and mark with a Sharpie if not already indicated on PCB mask. This is very important for Electrolytic capacitors which have a polarity!

D5 / C10 are for the +68v HV DC to the DMD Display. D7 / C11 are for the -98v and -110v HV DC to the DMD Display.

The circuit for +68 voltage is comprised of components under CN5 / CN6 of the Power Board (PSU).
+68v circuit
Part Description Location Eqivalent
MJE340† NPN transistor TR3 MJE15030
MPSA92 PNP transistor TR1 available
1n4760b 68v zener diode D9 available
1n5228 3.9v zener diode D6 available
1n4004 diode 400v @ 1A D5 available
47K resistor 1 Watt R8 available
330K resistor 0.5 (1/2) Watt R11 available
1.5K resistor 0.5 (1/2) Watt R12 available
500 ohm resistor 10 Watt Ceramic R15 available
100uF @200v Capacitor C10 e.g. 150uF @250v
† The MJE15030 is a heavy duty version of the MJE340 (TR3)

Check values of the above resistors. Any out of spec. (or showing open) will need to be replaced first. Test DMD again. Then replace the 1N4760 68v and 1N5228 3.9v zener diodes and test DMD again. Then work through the transistors, replacing TR1 then TR3 test the DMD. No -100v is found at the DMD display

Follow a similar procedure to the one above. The plus and minus HV circuits are nearly 'mirror images'.

A missing -98v DC output only while reading -100v points to D11 (1n4742 12v zener diode) or R14 (4K @ 10W ceramic resistor) as faulty. Test resistor value R14 and replace if open or out of spec. Then replace D11 observing banded side for polarity.

The Circuit for -100 and -93 HV voltages are comprised of components under CN5 / CN6 of the Power Board (PSU).

-100v / -93v circuit
Part Description Location Eqivalent
MJE350† PNP transistor TR4 MJE15031
MPSA42 PNP transistor TR2 available
1n5379b 110v zener diode D10 available
1n5228 3.9v zener diode D8 available
1n4004 diode 400v @ 1A D7 available
47K resistor 1 Watt R9 available
330K resistor 0.5 (1/2) Watt R10 available
1.5K resistor 0.5 (1/2) Watt R13 available
100uF @200v Capacitor C11 e.g. 150uF @250v
† The MJE15031 is a heavy duty version of the MJE350 (TR4)

Check values of the above resistors. Any out of spec. (or showing open) will need to be replaced first. Test DMD again. Then replace the 1N5379B 110v and 1N5228 3.9v zener diodes and test DMD again. Then work through the transistors, replacing TR2 then TR4, test the DMD. Get the -100v output working first, then go after the -93v circuit.

-93v circuit only
Part Description Location Eqivalent
1n4742 12v zener diode D11 available
4K resistor 10 Watt Ceramic R14 available

4.6 Score Display Issues

Early data east pinball machines used alpha-numeric score displays similar to those in Bally/Williams Machines. Data East was the first pinball manufacture to use dot matrix displays in pinball machines and had three different generations of the display. Starting with Checkpoint and running through Hook Data East used a 128x16 score display. Williams first used the common 128x32 display in Terminator 2 and Data East soon switched to this display type for the majority of machines starting with Lethal Weapon 3 and running up to Guns N' Roses. Data East switched to the larger 128x64 display that was used in the final four Data East games starting with Maverick and running through Batman Forever.

Outgassing Displays DMDs have a lifespan and will eventually fail. It is important to replace an outgassing display because they will strain your power supply and eventually damage that as well. Signs of outgassing displays are that areas of the display need to 'warm up' before becoming fully bright or that the display will remain completely blank for a few seconds and then appear normal.

  • A side note to the display issues taking some time to light. There are cases of import machines having a circuit to delay the DMD appearing after the machine was turned on before diplaying. This was done by some operators so that serial number and location information was not shown when the machine powered on. This circuit will not damage anything but is not standard. More information about this can be found in a discussion.

4.6.1 Alphanumeric Issues

To be completed. Please contribute.

4.6.2 Dot Matrix Issues

Although Data East board designs share many similarities between Bally/Williams the score display CPU is implemented very differently. Data East has a separate board and CPU for controlling the dot matrix displays. This board is mounted behind the dot matrix display on the score panel. The main CPU and this daughterboard communicate through a ribbon cable. Because of this it is important that your CPU and display roms are the same version or are in sync with each other. Running different rom versions can cause some strange display issues. Ribbon cables are known to have faults so reseating or swapping the cable may fix some issues. 128x16 (Small DMD) issues

To be completed. Please contribute. 128x32 (Regular DMD) issues

The 128x32 DMD was used in the majority of Data East machines and was the only size used by Bally/Williams. The display is the exact same version for both Data East and Bally/Williams and can be used as a drop in replacement, although you will still need the DMD controller board used by Data East machines.

Before and after shots of the display board after upgrading from the stock board with two 2M ROMs. Notice the removal of the 0 ohm resistor(jumper) at R11

Some games such as Lethal Weapon 3 and Star Wars sometimes used two 27020 EPROMs at locations U12 and U14. You can use one ROM instead if upgrading to newer code. If one ROM is used R11 should be open (nothing installed). This part can simply be cut off the board. If two ROMs are used, R11 should be jumpered with a zero ohm resistor or jumper wire. Why Data East called this a resistor (R11) vice a jumper, is anyone's guess. This is discussed in a service bulletin.

High voltage for the DMD is located on the PSU board. 128x64 (Large DMD) issues

To be completed. Please contribute.

4.7 Flipper Issues

Data East was the first company to use solid state flippers. Starting with Playboy 35 Anniversay, Data East flippers began using a single wound coil instead of the high/low windings found in earlier games and Bally/Williams games. This design is known as the Deger design and is found in most of the Data East games. Service Bulletin #62 is a listing of flipper coil parts for Data East games and shows the evolution.

When a Data East flipper is energized, 50 volts is sent to the coil for the initial flip. The FFASI board the drops the voltage to 9 volts so that the flipper may be held up for a long period of time without burning the coil. This voltage drop occurs after 40 milliseconds, is CPU controlled, and cannot be adjusted. This differs from the Bally/Williams design where the flipper hold is determined by the End-Of-Stroke (EOS) switch and contributes to what many say is a different feel between Data East and Bally/Williams flippers.

Data East eventually did add an EOS switch to its flipper design beginning with Jurassic Park. Again this differs from Bally/Williams in that the switch is normally closed. This was done because certain game features fired the ball quickly back to the flippers. If the ball hit the flippers and moved them 1/16 of a inch the EOS switch would open and 50 volts would again be delivered to the flipper. This is discussed along with the general theory of Data East flipper operation in service bulletin #49. With this design if the hold voltage is broken and the EOS is badly adjusted, you may experience 'machine gun flippers'.

These flippers are controlled by the flipper board (TY-FFASI board) mounted in the cabinet. The board is prone to a few failures, but it's a fairly simple circuit so fixing it is normally quite easy. You should see a red LED flash when the flipper buttons are pressed.

To test the flipper board:

  • Remove the board from the cabinet (it's much easier to work on)
  • Check all the fuses on the board, 4 in total (2 power, 2 hold). Also check the fuse clips.
  • Check all transistors using a DMM
  • Check tracks for continuity and corrosion
  • Replace board back into cabinet and power on game
  • Enter Diagnostics (so power is sent to the flippers)
  • Check voltage at coil lugs (Should be ~50v DMM set to DC, black lead on GND, red led on banded side)
  • Press flipper button and check hold voltage (should be 8v)
  • Check power/hold voltage on flipper board (black lead on GND, DMM set to DC, red probe on CN2-6&7 8v hold, CN2-8&9 power)

If you have no power voltage on CN2-8 and CN2-9, check the PPB board J7-1 and J7-5.

If you have no hold voltage on CN2-6 of the flipper board, check the Power Supply board CN1-10 and CN1-11. If you have no hold voltage on the coil lugs, check the hold fuses on the TY-FFASI board.

  • The newer 520-5080-00 (EOS) flipper board can be modified to work in games requiring the 520-5033-00 (non-EOS) flipper board. Steps to do this can be found in Service Bulletin #103.

4.7.1 Flipper Repair and Rebuilding

Coming soon...

5 Game Specific Problems and Fixes

5.1 Lethal Weapon 3

The right flipper button spring can bend out and touch the legs of the shooter coil, causing all manner of strange behaviour.

6 Repair Logs

Did you do a repair? Log it here as a possible solution for others.

CPU Board Repair