1 Example Wiki Text
View the source for this page to see common formatting tags.
Paragraphs are just text. Italics are like this. Bold is like this.
- Indented paragraph.
1.1 Heading level 3
- List 1a
- List 2a
- List 2b
- List 2c
- List 1b
- Ordered 2a
- Ordered 2B
- List 1c
Preformat text with the "pre" tag.
Block tag processing with nowiki tag like ''this'' and *this.
Here's a sample table:
r1c1 | r1c2 |
r2c1 | r2c2 |
r3c1 | r3c2 |
Reference other sections of the wiki like this -> Beginner's Notes
To include a file in a page, use a link in one of the following forms:
File:File.jpg to use the full version of the file
alt text
to use a 200 pixel wide rendition in a box in the left margin with 'alt text' as description
Media:File.ogg for directly linking to the file without displaying the file