Leon Borre Latest Updates

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Latest changes and additions ........



Test eprom for Zaccaria sound boards last generation type 1B11178.


Universal test box for all CPU boards based on the CPU chip of the 68xx series, and the 2650 CPU chip ( Zaccaria) . The box plugs in the CPU socket and simulates all possible commands, selections and possibilities of the CPU chip.


Automatic scanner, useful for all repair methods of driver boards and lamp driver boards as well Bally as Zaccaria ! No more buttons to push !


Complete test rigs for Bally lamp driver boards and solenoid boards.


The prototype test box for Lamp and solenoid driver boards. I did write the users instructions on top..You will see Zaccaria marqued ..Why? The box has one extra output connector that way you can use it also for Zaccaria lamp driver boards. There is also a choice you can blink the lamps connected at the lamp driver board or choose that once they are on to stay on.. This is more easy to see if there are some missing. The blink mode is needed to see if there are lamps the stays " stuck on" all the time.


The output connectors to drive the Zaccaria lamp driver board ( red arrow) The black arrow points to the connector for a Bally solenoid board , the tag indicating where and how to connect.


08/12/2006 Repair method for CPU board Atari first generation.

16/08/2006 Put a REAL knocker on your latest Stern games.

29/07/2005 Repair method for Fliptronic boards ( WPC)

04/06/2005 Renewed pages for Williams type 11 CPU boards. Extra test eprom for sound section.

03/06/2005 Renewed pages for Williams type 9 CPU boards. Extra test eprom for sound section .

05/03/2005 Important extension of the " Repair method for Data East cpu boards"

17/12/2004 Extra memory test eprom for Zaccaria CPU boards

23/11/2004 Complete test bench for Bally/Stern CPU boards.

15/09/2004 Replacement of the obsolete Gottlieb rom on system 1 boards by a 2716 eprom.!

27/07/2004 Repair method CPU board system 1 Gottlieb

21/07/2004 Repair method driver board system 1 Gottlieb

22/06/2004 Repair and diagnostic of the Williams WPC CPU board.

4/2004 Make a transistor, thyristor and triac test box.

3/2004 Repair method for 6803 based Bally Midway cpu-driver boards.

3/2004 Test Bally " Squawk and talk board "

3/2004 Test for Bally sound plus board

2/2004 Test for Zaccaria sound board

13/12/2003 Led display's for Bally 6 and 7 digits, Zaccaria 6,7 and 8 digits, Williams model 3,4 an,d 6 = 6 digits.

18/10/2003 New memory test for the Williams type 7 CPU board.


Improved memory test for Williams system 3/6 test eprom


Tester for infra red led's . At page " Tips and Trick's "


Complete new website, JUKEBOX-FAN . Technical site, lots of hints and tricks, schematics,repair methods for amplifiers and so on . Link via Flipper -Pinball-Fan site .



Is there something that would be useful ?

Bally automatic driver board tester ? Self made pop bumper board ? Memory adapter board to replace 5101 ? More complex things ? More simple things ? More for the newest (1990 ) pinballs. If you have a reasonable suggestion please put it on the guestbook , I'll look into it...... .

More to come….
