Leon Borre Zaccaria 1B1110 Driver Tester

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Zaccaria driver board 1B1110 test setup..



Zaccaria driver board 1B1110 has a lot of components.. it has 64 lamp drivers and 21 solenoid drivers. A simple sound driver part is on this board to, this sound is used on the first 8 pinball models, for the next 8 there where no less than 6 different extra sound boards added. The sound part will be fully tested in this repair method. Nevertheless it is a simple board and easy to repair, because all functions are repeated 60x and it's possible to compare the signals between similar structures. I choose to make a simple tool so we can test and repair this board on the work bench. The tool doesn't have any electronics so everyone should be able to build it. What will this tool do ? Well, with three switches and two pushbuttons we simulate the electronic signals which come from the cpu board. To check the outputs we put leds which will light when they're activated. So the leds replace the regular light bulbs and solenoids of the playfield. A similar tool can be found on my test page for Bally lamp and solenoid driver boards.

The complete schematics of the driver board you can find here ....... Pinaqua.gif


What do we need ?


A small box with two banana plugs, two push buttons, three switches, a led and a 470 ohm resistor, and a wire of around 20 to 30cm which ends in a plug which fits the 2-pin connector of the driver board CN12, and a plug which fits into connector CN21 of the driverboard with a piece of flat cable about 20 to 30cm attached to it. Finally a female bus for a banana plug. ( On the photo the connector is not the 2 pins for CN12 but the 4 pins for the Diverboard type 1B1366)


This is the 2 pins connector that fits CN12 of this type driverboard.



How to connect everything you see in this schematic ..


CN 12 brings 5 volt to the driver board. 4, 16 and 17 of CN 21 are not connected.


Everything on its place but not connected yet..


The check box.


The finished check box. Left the red and black banana plugs to which a 5 volt power supply gets connected. Right the connector which goes to CN 12 of the driver board. ( the second yellowish connector is used with the type 1B1366 board ). The flat cable goes to CN121 The 3 switches are marked to their "on" position. At the bottom the red plug to which the common of the control led strip will be connected ,the push button next to it.


How it works.

Using 3 switches we can simulate address lines A0, A1 and A2. The other validation signals are brought by pushing the green button. Further on this page you'll find a list of what leds should light when we operate the switches. The red female connector is for the "common" lead of the control leds strip, the blue pushbutton lets the led go out again. Because the leds are driven by SCR's (triacs) they will continue to pass electricity until you interrupt the power supply. But don't worry, using this test device is a piece of cake!.

Testing the outputs using leds.

This is the same as with the Bally setup, connect the led with resistor to the output we want to check. To check everything without having to move a LED around to different positions, we create a board with 18 leds next to each other. We do need two types of connectors because the pins for the solenoids (CN 14) have a different size then these of the lamps (CN 16,17,18,19,20). But still we can make one board to check both.

What do we need?


18 LEDs ( 9 red and 9 green. 18 470ohm resitors 1/4 watts, and piece of universal PCB. 15 fine connnector pins and the hardest piece to get is a 12 pins connector that fits CN14 on the driverbaord, I had to do it with 2x 6pins .


The fine pins are soldered at the foil site , this way the connector fits best into the female part on the driverboard.


Theboard with connector and two LED's with there resistors mounted. Repeat this 18 times, the red LED's will be connected to the odd numbered pin and the green LEDs to the even numbered pins. The flat sides of the LEDs are towards the connector.


The ffinished board. The red lead with banana plug is the " common" and will be connected to the plug on the check-box. The green connector(s) fits the CN14 solenoid connector on the driverboard at the first 12 pins.


This is the schematic of the check led strip..


Connecting our tester

This is easy. Connect CN21 and the power supply CN12 to the driverboard . And the red and black banana plug to a power supply (red = 5 volts). The strip with check leds goes to the connector you want to check, which can be CN 14,15,16,17,18,19, or 20. Put the switches in each possible combination and push both buttons..


The check led strip is here connected to CN16, by the fine connector strip directly plugged in to CN16 The green connectors we need for testing at CN14 are unused now.. Mark the switches as A3 A2 and A1 in the same order otherwise the following table will not be right.

These are the positions of the switches and which leds they will light. Output at pin 2 of CN19 is the sound output , the led on this pin 2 will light up at 4 different positions , this is normal ( 4 different sounds) If one ore more are missing , see further under " Sound output".

....................................................CN 14... ...CN 15 .......CN16 ....CN17 ...... CN18 .....CN19 ........CN20

A1 A2 A3 = off = ............led ....... 3 .................... ...........11/17.......3./18........11/15.......2/11.........3/8/9/18

A1 = on A2 A3 = off ..... led ...... 12 ................................. 4/1..........17....... 3/4/12/17..6/9/14/15..............

A2 = on A1 A3 = off ..... led ..... 2/9 ...............5...............10/13 ....2/6/10 .......1/13............1.............. 2......

A1 A2 = on A3 = off ..... led ........ 7 ............. 6/1............. 5/8.... 1/5/11/16 .....7/16 ........ 7/8/16 ....... 1 .....

A3 = on A1 A2 = off ..... led ..... 8/6 ............................. 12/15 ......... 7 ...................... 2/10/17 . 5/11/15/17

A1 A3 = on A2 = off ..... led ...... 4 ................ 2/7 ......... 3/7 ........... 12 ...... 6/8/14 ... 4/5/13/18 .....4/12

A2 A3 = on A1 = off ..... led ..... 10 ................. 3 ......... 9/14/16 ....... 14 ...... 2/5/9 .......... 2 ......... 6/7/10

A1 A2 A3 = on .............. led .. 1/5/11 ............................ 2/18 ..... 4/9/13/15 ..................... 3 ......... 13/16

Here is a list which is easy to print ... Pinaqua.gif

If a led does not light, you can use the schematics to follow the signal. Operating the pushbuttons will force the signal to go high and low, where it doesn't move you have an error.. It is also possible that too many leds will light, or a certain led will light with what ever position of the switches . Eihter case means a shorted or open driver SCR. Now you can test all 85 outputs on your work bench !

Sound outputs.

The sound portion on this board is very simple. 4 Oscillators and one output transistor. Output is at pin2 of CN19 FIRST this :the pot. on the board must be fully clockwise during the test. During test pin 2 at CN19 will light up 4 times by the different switch settings. Now , if one or more outputs at pin 2 are missing, you can see at the schematic that they all come via transistor Q16 , so if they are ALL mising replace that first..For the rest it can be only IC15 16 or 17 that can be bad. You can follow any bad output this way; Lets take switch stand A1 A2 and A3 = off as an example, Look , using a logic probe, at the start on IC9 pin 4. By pushing the buttons signal as to go high here, , if not IC9 is bad. If ok look at pin 12 of IC16. You have to find pulses here, if not IC16 or 17 are bad . If ok look at IC15 pin 8 again you have to find pulses here. If not IC15 is bad, if ok look at pin 4 of IC17 if no pulses here IC17 is bad , if ok the output transistor is bad. Follow the same way starting at pin 6 of IC 9 for switches at A2=on A1 A3 = off, at pin 5 for switches A3 = on A1 A2 = off. and at last start at pin 7 for switches A2 A3 = on A2 = off ; Always controlling if the oscillator made up by the pair of IC16/17 followed by the drivers always situated at IC 15 . IC17 and the output transistor are common for all 4.