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Manufacturer System Year Model Produced
Bally WPC-95 1996 90003 1,248

Safecracker Playing Tips and Rule Sheet

Safecracker Shop Guide

1 WPC Specific Issues

See WPC Specific Issues

2 Game-Specific Issues

Because of the weight of the components on the playfield, Safecracker playfields bow in the center causing a horizontal dip in the playing surface near that area. sells a set of aluminum box rails with the proper cutouts to stiffen the playfield back to flat. After installation, depending on how bad the bow was, you can definitely tell the difference in gameplay.

Another tweak to make gameplay better is install the next smaller size pinballs (1" instead of 1 1/16"). You have to tweak the end of the main ramp if you do this so balls go into the lock kicker properly; a small rubber doughnut intended for miniposts works.

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