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1 Introduction

Date Of Manufacture: February, 1978
Production: 12,000 units (confirmed)
Theme: Fantasy - Myth and Legend
Notable Features: Flippers (4), Pop bumpers (2), Star rollovers (4), Standup targets (2), 3-bank drop targets (2), 4-bank drop targets (1), Spinning target (1). The white target and yellow targets are reset by one coil and the purple targets are reset by a separate coil. Each side of the spinning target depicts a sword but they are oriented differently from each other to allow the target when spinning to give the effect of crossed swords.

2 Technical Info

Type: Solid State Electronic (SS)
A1: Gottlieb MPU Module
A2: Power Module
A3: Driver Board
A4: Score Displays 1A4, 2A4, 3A4, 4A4 (6-digits)
A5: Credits Display (4-digits)

3 Charts

3.1 Fuse Chart

Wire in Value Wire out description location
Orn 5 Amp Slo-Blo Blu 115V Primary Fuse Bottom Board
2½ Amp Slo-Blo 230V Primary Fuse Bottom Board
Wht-Yel ¼ Amp Slo-Blo Blu-Wht-Red Displays 69VAC Bottom Board
Yel 5 Amp Slo-Blo Red-Wht Coils 25VAC Bottom Board
Blu-Blk 5 Amp Slo-Blo Orn-Blk Controlled lamps 8VAC Bottom Board
Yel-Red 7½ Amp Brn-Red G.I. Playfield (via Tilt Relay) & Coin Chute 6VAC Bottom Board
Yel-Red 10 Amp Wht-Red G.I. Name & Scene Lights 6VAC Bottom Board
Red 2 Amp Slo-Blo Grn-Yel Red Target Bank Reset Playfield
Red 1 Amp Slo-Blo Grn-Yel Purple Target Bank Reset Playfield
Red 1 Amp Slo-Blo Wht-Red White & Yellow Target Bank Reset Playfield
Red ½ Amp Slo-Blo Blu Outhole Playfield

3.2 Driver Board Chart

transistor connector code description wire color transistor type
Q01 J5-18 L01 Game Over Relay Wht-Blu MPS-U45
Q Relay Match / Game Over Light Yel-Blk
Q Relay Ball in Play Pur-Red
Q02 J5-19 L02 Tilt Relay Wht-Orn MPS-U45
T Relay Tilt Light Wht-Brn-Blk
Q03 J5-17 L03 High Game to Date Wht-Brn MPS-U45
Q04 J5-15 L04 Same Player Shoot Again Wht-Grn MPS-U45
Q05 J5-13 L05 Red Rollover Wht-Pur MPS-A13
Q06 J5-14 L06 Purple Rollover Wht-Yel MPS-A13
Q07 J5-12 L07 Top Yellow Rollover Blu-Wht-Red MPS-A13
Q08 J5-11 L08 Bottom Left Yellow Rollover Orn-Wht-Red MPS-A13
Q09 J5-9 L09 White Rollover Brn-Wht-Red MPS-A13
Q10 J5-10 L10 Top White Rollover Grn-Wht-Red MPS-A13
Q11 J5-8 L11 Bottom White Target Pur-Wht-Red MPS-A13
Q12 J5-7 L12 Not Used Yel-Wht-Red MPS-A13
Q13 J5-5 L13 Not Used Blu-Wht-Blk MPS-A13
Q14 J5-6 L14 Advance Orn-Wht-Blk MPS-A13
Q15 J5-4 L15 Advance Brn-Wht-Blk MPS-A13
Q16 J5-3 L16 Advance Grn-Wht-Blk MPS-A13
Q17 J5-1 L17 Advance Pur-Wht-Blk MPS-A13
Q18 J5-2 L18 Advance Yel-Wht-Blk MPS-A13
Q19 J3-20 L19 5X Bonus Wht-Blu-Red MPS-A13
Q20 J3-18 L20 3X Bonus Wht-Orn-Red MPS-A13
Q21 J3-16 L21 4X Bonus Wht-Brn-Red MPS-A13
Q22 J3-17 L22 2X Bonus Wht-Grn-Red MPS-A13
Q23 J3-15 L23 1,000 Bonus Wht-Pur-Red MPS-A13
Q24 J3-14 L24 2,000 Bonus Wht-Yel-Red MPS-A13
Q33 J3-12 L25 3,000 Bonus Wht-Blu-Blk MPS-A13
Q34 J3-13 L26 4,000 Bonus Wht-Orn-Blk MPS-A13
Q35 J3-11 L27 5,000 Bonus Wht-Brn-Blk MPS-A13
Q36 J3-9 L28 6,000 Bonus Wht-Grn-Blk MPS-A13
Q37 J3-7 L29 7,000 Bonus Wht-Pur-Blk MPS-A13
Q38 J3-8 L30 8,000 Bonus Wht-Yel-Blk MPS-A13
Q39 J3-6 L31 9,000 Bonus Blu-Wht-Wht MPS-A13
Q40 J3-5 L32 10,000 Bonus Orn-Wht-Wht MPS-A13
Q41 J3-4 L33 Right Yellow Rollover Brn-Wht-Wht MPS-A13
Q42 J3-3 L34 Bottom Yellow Rollover Grn-Wht-Wht MPS-A13
Q43 J3-2 L35 Not Used Pur-Wht-Wht MPS-A13
Q44 J3-1 L36 Not Used Yel-Wht-Wht MPS-A13
Q32 J4-6 Solenoid 1 Outhole Blu-Red 2N6043
Q25 J2-1 Solenoid 2 Knocker Orn-Red 2N6043
Q26 J2-2 Solenoid 3 10's chime Orn-Blk 2N6043
Q27 J2-3 Solenoid 4 100's chime Grn-Red 2N6043
Q28 J2-4 Solenoid 5 1000's chime Pur-Red 2N6043
Q31 J4-5 Solenoid 6 White-Yellow Drop Target Bank Reset Yel-Red 2N6043
Q30 J4-4 Solenoid 7 Purple Drop Target Bank Reset Blu-Blk 2N6043
Q29 - Q45 J4-2 Solenoid 8 Red Drop Target Bank Reset Orn-Blk MPS-U45 - 2N3055

3.3 Solenoids

Solenoid description Solenoid Type Power Wire Fuse Transfer Wire Coil Wire Color Connector Driver Transistor Transistor Type Coil Type
L01 Game Over Relay Controlled Red Wht-Blu A3J5-18 Q01 MPS-U45 A-16890
L02 Tilt Relay Controlled Red Wht-Orn A3J5-19 Q02 MPS-U45 A-16890
Sol. 1 Outhole Controlled Red ½ Amp S.B. Blu Blu-Red A3J4-6 Q32 2N6043 A-16570
Sol. 2 Knocker Controlled Red Orn-Red A3J2-1 Q25 2N6043 A-5195
Sol. 3 10's chime Controlled Red Orn-Blk A3J2-2 Q26 2N6043 A-17876
Sol. 4 100's chime Controlled Red Grn-Red A3J2-3 Q27 2N6043 A-17876
Sol. 5 1000's chime Controlled Red Pur-Red A3J2-4 Q28 2N6043 A-17876
Sol. 6 White-Yellow Drop Target Bank Reset Controlled Red 1 Amp S.B. Wht-Red Yel-Red A3J4-5 Q31 2N6043 A-16570
Sol. 7 Purple Drop Target Bank Reset Controlled Red 1 Amp S.B. Grn-Yel Blu-Blk A3J4-4 Q30 2N6043 A-16570
Sol. 8 Red Drop Target Bank Reset Controlled Red 2 Amp S.B. Grn-Yel Orn-Blk A3J4-2 Q29 - Q45 MPS-U45 - 2N3055 A-17891
Left Pop Bumper Directly Brn-Blk Switch A-1496
Right Pop Bumper Directly Brn-Blk Switch A-1496
Coin Lockout Directly Red A6J1-11 Directly wired to Ground A-16890
Left Flipper Directly Brn-Blk Grn-Blk A6J5-4 Button A-17875
Upper Left Flipper Directly Brn-Blk Grn-Blk A6J5-4 Button A-17875
Right Flipper Directly Brn-Blk Pur-Blk A6J5-5 Button A-17875
Upper Right Flipper Directly Brn-Blk Pur-Blk A6J5-5 Button A-17875

3.4 Switch Matrix

A1J7-12 & A1J6-3 A1J7-13 A1J7-14 A1J7-17 A1J7-16 A1J7-15 A1J7-11 A1J7-10
Yellow Blue-White Orange-White Brown-White Green-White Purple-White Yellow-White Yellow-Black
STROBE 0 Test Button Swinging Target White #1 Purple Top and Left #1 Red #3 Red Red Rollover
A1J7-2 Drop Target Drop Target Yellow Rollover (2) Drop Target Drop Target
A1J6-8 Blue-White Orange-Green Yellow-Blue Orange-Black Yellow Brown-White Maroon-Yellow Margenta
Blue SW.00 SW.10 SW.20 SW.30 SW.40 SW.50 SW.60 SW.70
STROBE 1 #1 Coin Chute Not Used #1 Yellow #2 Purple White Rollover #2 Red #4 Red Purple Rollover
A1J7-3 Drop Target Drop Target White Targets (2) Drop Target Drop Target
A1J6-4 Orange-White Orange-White Brown-Black Black-White-Red Orange-White Maroon-Green Yellow-Black
Orange SW.01 SW.11 SW.21 SW.31 SW.41 SW.51 SW.61 SW.71
STROBE 2 #2 Coin Chute Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used
A1J6-5 Brown-White
Brown SW.02 SW.12 SW.22 SW.32 SW.42 SW.52 SW.62 SW.72
STROBE 3 Replay Button Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used
A1J6-6 Green-White
Green SW.03 SW.13 SW.23 SW.33 SW.43 SW.53 SW.63 SW.73
STROBE 4 Tilt Pop Bumper #2 Yellow #3 Purple Right Yellow 10 Point Contacts (8) Not Used Rollover Buttons (4)
A1J7-6 Switches (2) Drop Target Drop Target Rollover (2)
Purple-White White-Orange Slate-White Slate-Black Blue White-Slate Slate-White-Red
Purple SW.04 SW.14 SW.24 SW.34 SW.44 SW.54 SW.64 SW.74

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